His doting girl showered amorous love to him. He was turning lovesick for whatever she did was her excessive fondness for him. Every second of her life had him now. His thoughts would pop up all the time in her head. The fact that she never knew how love felt like he made her bestowed with the warmth of love. She never knew it could be this beautiful. No one ever loved her the way he did.
Every flower blooms in its own time. It was her flower of love that was blooming in her heart. Every word seemed poetic, every sound felt tuneful, every noise sounded melodious. Life changed beautifully. Her wild heart greeted a destined soul that would allay her feelings, desires and give them a fascinating ending. She could stay in his arms forever and find eternal peace. The feeling when she sees him, touches him seemed magical. It made her realise how beautiful her life could be with him. She counted him in all her prayers. The desire of spending whole life together was building stronger every day. She wasn't perfect now he was and that's the beauty of their relationship. His flaws made him adorable.
He had a golden heart with all red filled with it and she would fall for this combination everyday.......
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